💡 Examples
This section demonstrates the configuration file contents for some common installation practices as well how to configure popular plugins and themes.
Deferred loading of plugins in Zsh
A commonly desired feature of shell plugin managers is deferred loading of plugins because of the massive increase in speed that it provides. Because Sheldon is not written in a shell language it cannot provide the level of integration that other plugin managers can. However, it is pretty easy to get deferred loading working with Sheldon using romkatv/zsh-defer.
Firstly, you should add zsh-defer
as a plugin.
github = "romkatv/zsh-defer"
Important: the zsh-defer
plugin definition should be placed before any plugins
that will use the defer
template. Sheldon always processes plugins in the
order they are defined in the config file.
Then add a template that calls zsh-defer source
instead of just source
defer = "{{ hooks?.pre | nl }}{% for file in files %}zsh-defer source \"{{ file }}\"\n{% endfor %}{{ hooks?.post | nl }}"
Now any plugin that you want to defer you can apply the defer
template. For
example if you wanted to defer loading of zsh-syntax-highlighting
github = "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting"
apply = ["defer"]
Overriding the PATH template
The built-in PATH template adds the directory path to the beginning of the
variable, we might want to change it to the be added at the end. We could
do this like this
PATH = 'export PATH="$PATH:{{ dir }}"'
You can then apply it to the plugin like this
github = "owner/repo"
apply = ["source", "PATH"]
Note: this would change the behavior of PATH for all plugins using it.
Zsh frameworks
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh"
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add oh-my-zsh --github "ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh"
Add the following to your ~/.zshrc
# ~/.zshrc
export ZSH="$HOME/.local/share/sheldon/repos/github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh"
# Oh My Zsh settings here
eval "$(sheldon source)"
Zsh plugins
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions"
use = ["{{ name }}.zsh"]
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add zsh-autosuggestions --github zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions --use '{{ name }}.zsh'
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "wting/autojump"
dir = "bin"
apply = ["PATH", "source"]
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add autojump --github wting/autojump --dir bin --apply PATH source
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting"
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add zsh-syntax-highlighting --github zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "StackExchange/blackbox"
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add blackbox --github StackExchange/blackbox
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "skywind3000/z.lua"
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add z.lua --github skywind3000/z.lua
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "b4b4r07/enhancd"
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add enhancd --github b4b4r07/enhancd
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "chriskempson/base16-shell"
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add base16 --github chriskempson/base16-shell
Zsh themes
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "romkatv/powerlevel10k"
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add powerlevel10k --github romkatv/powerlevel10k
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt"
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add spaceship --github spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt
Add the following to the Sheldon config file.
github = "sindresorhus/pure"
use = ["async.zsh", "pure.zsh"]
Or run the following to automatically add it.
sheldon add pure --github sindresorhus/pure --use async.zsh pure.zsh